Monday, March 1, 2010


This was an interesting perspective offered by David Frum...suggesting that open government regulations led to more gridlock and that government was simply more efficient in the past because of the authoritarian committee chair system, etc.

Seemed like an interesting perspective, and relatively simple for what has caused this partisan gridlock.


  1. He has a point. The same, basically, has been said about C-SPAN. The coincidence of deadly partisan gridlock with gavel-to-gavel coverage of Congress may be too great to chalk up to mere coincidence.

    But the same could be said about the way we select presidential nominees. Ever since the post-1968 decisions to "democratize" the process, we've gotten arguably less-qualified candidates and, less-arguably, less-effective government. Seems that the old way of doing business behind the doors of smoked-filled rooms wasn't all bad after all.

  2. Wasn't that the vision of the Founders, at least Madison? Let the people participate, but leave the real governing to the pros..
