Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Is Limbaugh being treated fairly?

While I do not agree with the things that Rush Limbaugh says, it is almost like people hold him to a double standard. No, I'm not talking about the way that he attacks people, but the people that he attacks. His rants fall on almost everyone except for white, conservative men. But, a lot of his attacks fall on to women. They are easy targets as there aren't a lot of them in politics and those that are involved are generally a pain for Limbaugh. However, by degrading women with words like "whore" and "slut", words he frequently uses, he isn't just hurting individuals, but hurting women as a whole.

However, there is another political pundit who does just as much damage to women: Bill Maher. While Maher tends to keep his comments related to women in the political field (Palin, Bachmann, Clinton), the fact the he still uses degrading language that affects all women is just as bad as what Limbaugh does. While Obama said that the remarks were "reprehensible", he has not spoken out against the misogynistic language that Maher constantly uses. Maher also just donated one million dollars to the Obama Super PAC; money that was earned by berating women. Many female rights groups are calling on Bill Burton, the super PAC founder, to either reject this money or donate it to a charity for abused women.

Please do not take this post the wrong way. I am not defending what Limbaugh said. I am only trying to impose that because of how the comments were stated and whom they were stated about, there is a double standard in affect that shouldn't be allowed. The ultimate group that is victimized isn't the Democrats or Republicans, but women.

Disclaimer: This article is aimed at showing that many women (mostly democrats) should not support Bill Maher. The video that is linked in the article is anti-obama.

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