Friday, March 2, 2012

Should College Be For Everyone?

This Room for Debate topic in today's NYTimes has several short essays taking various pro and con views on the question, Is college (as we know it) really for everyone?  The essays together constitute a "concourse," which in Q methodology is a "universe of discourse" in which strands of differing subjectivity merge and depart in what sometimes appears to be a random manner to a detached observer.  Using a sampling frame -- technically, a scheme for ensuring a balanced and comprehensive sample of such subjectivity -- someone interested in seeking to find order in this concourse would draw a small number (usually 35-50) of these statements and find a P-set (small but varied group of respondents: college, non-college, young, old, American, international) and ask them to sort the statements in a Q sort.  The resulting factors would reflect the common viewpoints underlying these various essays.  Typically, such studies show a smaller number of deeper views than the several essays would suggest and, at the same time, more complexity than the simple pro and con of college attendance.  This would be a very do-able project for one or two Capstoners curious about this matter and looking for ways of satisfying a big chunk of the writing requirement.


  1. This is a great idea. It relates perfectly to Rick Santorum's recent blunder calling President Obama a "snob" for wanting everyone to have the opportunity to go to college. Everyone may not be right for college, but everyone deserves the opportunity to go if they so wish. College does not necessarily mean a four year university. It could mean a community college or even a trade school.

  2. I so very much agree with Elise. However much our system or president Obama calls for college for everyone, some people are not cut out to be in College. However, the chances and opportunities should be there to avail all a chance to attain a college degree. And while some may take 4yrs, others else where like in UK and the commonwealth, college is only 2-3yrs depending on the course of study.
