Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The World's Next Superpower

Washington Rules emphasizes the United States' belief that it has a duty to look out for the rest of the world. This viewpoint enforces the generally accepted fact that the U.S. is the world's current superpower. However, there is debate as to whether or not our country will sustain this position in the coming years. A lot of people seem to believe that China holds the potential to replace the U.S., but there are other hypotheses as well. I came across the following article that questions if Canada might be a contender. While the article raises some significant facts, I don't think it presents enough evidence to suggest that Canada might become the world's next superpower. But who knows...

 I also recently discovered a book entitled No One's World: The West, the Rising Rest, and the Coming Global Turn which suggests that if the United States does lose its status as the world's superpower, maybe there will not be a country that takes its place. (At least this is what I gathered from the description given on Amazon.) This is an interesting claim that merits some consideration. How might international relations be different if there wasn't a country viewed as the superpower of the world? Would such a condition be an improvement to today's world?


  1. I thought the article was funny. I guess we just never thought of Canada as much of an up and coming nation. It is an interesting perspective however I believe that they will not be able to compete with countries such as China and India. It is sad to say, but they treat their citizens too well. A part of why India and China are booming is because they are allowed to pay their workers next to nothing and take advantage of them at almost every turn.

  2. I think if there wasn't a world superpower then countries would merely seperate themselves into spheres of interest according to which issues are important to them. Canada as a superpower would be very ironic. These are both very interesting ideas.
