Sunday, February 5, 2012

Big Hair is Back: Another true fact?

One may wonder what the relevance of this truth-claim is to Obamadogs.  But here we deal with the world as we find it, and fashion magazines (Mrs. DT subscribes to every one of them) have stipulated: "Big Hair" is back!  Apparently, this is true only for women to this point in time.  But who decided that this is true?  For those who were not aware of this, remember: you heard it first on Obamadogs!

As with all such truth-claims, saying it's so doesn't (necessarily) make it so.  But if it is so, what are the political implications (if any)?

HootSuite Photos
Since Tom Brady has big hair -- or bigger hair than Eli Manning -- it must be New England's day . . .


  1. Hair styles, and politics as well, work in cycles. When something becomes too esteemed in society, then the complete opposite is at first a daring statement and then the new norm.

  2. I think it is possible to say that big hair is back. I seen ladies walking around with their hair teased. But many of these individuals are a gossipy bunch, so it could be that their hair is just "full of secrets."

  3. Hey Megan...I love my big hair. And it is full of secrets. I would say that most fashion magazines have a pretty good thumb on the pulse of what is "in." Designers who throw girls onto the runway decide what their hair will look like and that is usually what the current trend will be. Or, we get our trends from television. I know that most people in the 90's and early 2000's kept their eye on what Rachel from Friends was doing to her hair!
