Monday, February 20, 2012

Krugman on Murray

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to post a couple of Paul Krugman's criticism's of Murray's book in his blog, "The Conscience of a Liberal". I think that this notion that the elite need to "preach what they practice" is ridiculous. As Krugman criticizes  "we’ve created a society in which many young people see no chance of ever achieving middle-class status; then we look at their failure to adhere to middle-class values, and declare that there must be some mysterious force corroding our morality." So here are just a couple of things to think about for tomorrow.

Below is another article from Krugman. In this article he points out a few things that Murray has overlooked. The main argument against Murray is that he overlooks the drastic reduction in the work opportunities available to less-educated men.

Personally, I agree with him that it is money, not morals.

See you all tomorrow,
Carly M.

1 comment:

  1. I would also take the stance that the social changes taking place in our country are due to money. Just because marriage rates have fallen doesn't mean that people no longer value this practice. Some people are putting it off because they can't afford it and others no longer see it as a top priority in their life. Many individuals prefer to be secure in a job before they make the decision to start a family. Overall, it seems unlikely that the morals of US citizens have drastically changed. They may have been reordered, though.
