Saturday, February 11, 2012

Other Possibilities

Could we propose a system in which students select their own readings and then report, in the form of book reviews, the results? This could help the class in covering many different topics while also allowing students the independence of selecting volumes they are interested in.

Just a thought. Happy Saturday!


  1. I think this would be preferable than the entire class reading the same book, because we can cover more ideas.

  2. Hey future Economist,
    As much as I like the idea of students selecting the reading and doing their reports on the field they are interested! I think it’s also crucial that we engage further with the idea of capstone. Have open discussion in class regarding world politics and systems. The reason why I am saying this is because I would hate the fact that someone only focus in one area, complete their report and feel that they have nothing to say after that. I mean think about this, we claim to be part of a Liberal Arts education system. Also Melissa I totally agree that we can cover more ideas, but I think part of us need to be innovative, creative, and open minded!

  3. I think this is a good idea. We could each look at a different book and then a few people would discuss their books each class with a discussion to follow.

  4. I'm not a huge fan of this idea. I understand that it could potentially cover more ideas than if the entire class read the same book. However, I think that having everyone read the same book is a better idea because then everyone would be able to participate in the conversation, and we wouldn't be relying on second-hand information for topics that could potentially be interesting to the entire class. I think that the entire class reading the same book usually promotes more discussion; however, since there doesn't seem to be a lot of discussion in this class, I'm not completely opposed to the idea of smaller groups reading different books.

  5. I agree with Carly, we should do the same book and i propose we do Washington Rules. This will increase mass class discussion and also this book touches a wide variety of American foreign relation issues,which I believe we can relate to what is going on in the world today.
