Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I wish Obama would say

This is a quote from Marriner S. Eccles, Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1934-1948:

"I believe, however, that the most basic right of all is the right to live, and next to that, the right to workI do not think that empty stomachs build character, nor do I think the substitution of idleness and a dole for useful work relief will improve either the dignity or the character of the people affected.  We cannot expect to preserve our free institutions in this country if we condemn a substantial proportion of our people to prolonged idleness on a bare subsistence level of existence.  Further than the right to eat and the right to a position, I think the individual, whether rich or poor, has a right to a decent place to live.  I think he has a right to security in old age and to protection against temporary unemployment.  I think he has a right to adequate medical attention and to equal educational opportunities with the rest of his countrymen.  The government expenditures (…) have in large part been the means of translating these basic rights into realities." [Emphasis Added]

If This is not a good campaign message, I don't know what is. Not only does this make economic sense, it makes moral sense. What is really sad is that these calls, from the time of FDR and government as a friend of the people, are not even being made by our leaders.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent quote. And yes, makes a great deal of moral sense! If only our current leaders could think this way...
